Medico - Pastoral Association is also a well known center for psycho - social rehabilitation  functioning for over 34 years - It is located in Frazer Town area well within Bangalore City and quite close to the Bangalore East railway station - The address of the place is Medico-Pastoral Association 47. Pottery Road , Frazer Town , Bangalore 560 005. Phone :  +91 80 25477375 and  +91 80 25492934 Email:  and further details of their organization can be seen by following the link below : -

Quite likely that their monthly pricing would lie between Rs.7000 to Rs.12000 and the exact details could be ascertained from their staff in charge - The column " Tariff "  in their home page also gives ample details in this regard - MPA also addresses areas of suicide prevention, counseling, promotion of mental health and encourages family and community participation.